Professional Real Estate ServicesMerlyn Banks, Principal BrokerCALL: 540-372-7272

Overview | Maintenance Requests | FAQ | Pay Rent Online
Tenant Services - Overview
Why Rent From BANKS Property Management and Sales?
Our experience, proactive and caring teams are here to assist you! We are committed to making your tenancy as comfortable with us as we pride ourselves on our tenant services and constant upkeep of your properties.
As a tenant, you want to know what kind of service you can expect when you lease from BANKS Property Management and Sales. Please read through our website so you may learn a lot of our services, in addition to the information you received when you too occupancy.
We understand that you are busy and do not always have the time to stop by our office with a rent check or call us with a service request. In an ongoing effort to go paperless and keep things convenient, we invite you to submit your rent payment and requests for maintenance repairs and services online. Remember you may pay your rent online, by setting up an account...